Happy New Year In Chinese Sayings

Good luck in the year ahead.
Happy new year in chinese sayings. China Highlights would like to use this chance to wish everyone a happy and prosperous Chinese New Year and may it be filled with plenty of exciting adventures and new. Happy Pig New Year. How to Say Happy New Year in Chinese-Happy New Year in Chinese-新年快乐The Chinese celebrate their new year on the 16th of January.
Chinese New Year greetings in Cantonese. Happy new year in Cantonese is 新年快樂 san1 nin4 faai3 lok6 and it can be used in both New Year 新年and Chinese New Year 農曆新年. To my dearest boss I wish a blessed Chinese New Year full of opportunities and positivity.
Xīn nián kuài lè hé jiā xìng fú. Xīn nián kuài lè wàn shì rú yì.
In simplified Chinese charactersSimilarly you may ask how do you say Happy New Year in Chinese 2020. Happy Chinese New Year Quotes. How to Say Happy New Year in Chinese How Do You Say Happy New Year in Chinese.